The project aimed to rehabilitate young women who are able to provide psychosocial support services within their communities through a series of workshops (basics of psychosocial support – dealing with trauma and stress – strategies and self-care activities).
After that, Zenobia continued to provide a number of awareness sessions for Syrian women in the field of mental health and self-care because of its great impact, especially in the countries of asylum and in light of the bad conditions that Syrians live in, where the target group was women in poor and marginalized areas.
We also worked on extracting a map of mental health services for the centers in the areas they live in and voluntarily distributing it to the largest possible number of families.
The project also included holding several open and diverse dialogue sessions that attracted multiple segments of women and men of different ages and cultural levels, during which many important topics were raised that support psychological well-being and lead to strengthening the ties between these segments in the country of asylum